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Conclusion: The students demonstrated higher levels of IM than those of EM, with a lower score attributed to the university as a place of enjoyment. This fact shows an opportunity for future studies, which will be able to verify the factors of the school environment related to the students’ motivation to learn.

Ainda de que não tivesse sido esse este objetivo, o musical Acerca o Copacabana Palace vai estrear utilizando uma feliz coincidência, tais como ESTES envolvidos na peça gostam de Discutir: ele vai marcar a reabertura do teatro do hotel, que estava fechado desde 1994.

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problems related to conceptualization of motives. This article also presents a brief overview of the

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This page displays all transfers for the selected player. Alongside the date of the transfer, the clubs encontre mais involved and the transfer fee, it also displays the market value of the player at the time of the transfer. Season

EM was associated with future life expectations. To know the variables that characterize the self-regulation of learning is crucial to support teaching strategies that contribute to the improvement of the teaching-learning process.

Introduction: The principles of the Theory of Self-Determination are relevant to professional education, as the differentiation and expression of the primary types of motivation have implications for the multiple learning outcomes. Objective: To evaluate academic motivation in 4th-year medical students at two teaching institutions and discuss the results from the perspective of the Theory of Self-Determination. Method: The present is a cross-sectional and quantitative study, conducted through a self-answered questionnaire containing 18 sociodemographic questions and the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS). The sample consisted of 147 4th-year medical students from schools with different teaching methodologies: 73 students from Institution A (Problem-based learning - PBL) and 74 students from Institution B (traditional methodology). A univariate analysis was conducted using Student’s passe para esses caras t test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), chi-square test and Pearson’s correlation, followed by Multiple Linear Regression analysis.

Irmãeste de Marília Mendonça lamenta a morte de Maurílio e conta que primeiro show que foi após a perda da cantora foi o dele

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